
Aiming to share knowledge with as many people as possible, Septentrion Environnement is involved with citizens, companies and public actors through scientific mediation. This pole, with a strong field approach, proposes specific activities of discovery, awareness and incitement to action. From citizen sciences to new technical solutions (underwater live, 3D tools), the projects carried out aim to provide impactful experiences with exchange and reflection as their major goals.


The Rio conference in 1992 marked an international awareness of the loss of biodiversity. Initiatives to contain and stop this decline are rising up. However, the erosion of biodiversity continues. Citizen sciences are improving to respond to these environmental challenges, but also because the citizen desire to get involved in environmental issues is increasing. Developing citizen sciences for a marine environmental management and protection purpose is a major challenge that we have decided to take up.


Since its creation, Septentrion Environnement has attached particular importance to technical and educational innovation. With more than 10 years of exploration in rebreather diving, experience in photogrammetry and underwater communication for monitoring purposes, the collective has developed innovative educational devices in virtual reality and underwater lives. These immersive experiences predispose the public to discover a new environment and question oneself, to consider the ecological stakes, to wonder about the environmental problems and their solutions, to become aware of one’s place and one’s role. These devices are proposed during large-scale events or specific communications aimed at stimulating objective critical thinking.


Photogrammetry is one of our fields of expertise. The experience and versatility of our team have given us recognition in this area, both with public (CNRS Laboratory of Information and Systems Sciences, RMC Water Agency, local authorities (City of Marseille)) and private (COMEX SA) organizations. For 15 years, with a rigorous methodological approach, we have been leading and carrying out scientific projects and contributing to multi-partner programs in close collaboration with research institutes. We also carry out mediation projects using a pedagogical approach with digital media, reconstructing in 3D the submerged heritage such as some emblematic diving sites (Coral Cave, Goul du Pont, the Pharillons, the wrecks of Lebanon, Ker Bihan and Messerschmitt, …), particularly in the framework of the IUCN World Congress 2020-2021.
