A bridge between the “two shores”, Twinning 3D is a cultural, technical and educational exchange program for high school students from Oran and Marseille, based on an introduction to photogrammetry and its various applications.
In 2020 and 2021, two classes of high school students, one in Oran (Lycée Ecole & Loisirs), and one in Marseille (Lycée des Calanques) were trained in the use of images in order to study and enhance the Mediterranean cultural and natural heritage: whether through photogrammetry (3D images), photography or video reporting, the students learned and exchanged among themselves about various techniques during a cultural exchange that emphasized both field practice and multimedia techniques.
In the field and in the classroom, students from both high schools learned to use photo and video tools, with various forms of restitution: 3D models of heritage elements, photo and video reports, 360° video, Cinemagraph, Stop-motion, etc.
>>> A video report illustrates the actions carried out in Oran by the students of the Lycée École & Loisirs:
>>> In Marseilles, high school students from the Lycée des Calanques were able to try their hand at 3D modeling on the emerged statues of the Underwater Museum of Marseille (Musée Subaquatique de Marseille) a few days before their immersion in the Anse des Catalans (Marseille). This was an opportunity for them to make 3D models of the statues before they were colonized by marine organisms. A few months later, they went again to see the statues immersed at a depth of 5m, in order to follow the colonization of these works of art by the underwater life.

Prise de vue des statues à terre et création des modèles 3D par photogrammétrie
This work of the students of the Bac Pro GMNF, in connection with the Underwater Museum of Marseille, was the subject of a report on France 3 (french television):
>>> Punctuated by several confinements linked to the Covid pandemic, the project has not lost its breath and has used the tools of teaching and distance exchanges in order to continue the actions of this Mediterranean collective: video tutorials have allowed to continue the teachings about photogrammetry, others have allowed the high school students of the two Mediterranean shores to continue to get to know each other, as here :